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Bicarbonate of soda 1kg | Le Delas Rungis Food Wholesaler
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Bicarbonate of soda bag 1kg

Bicarbonate of soda bag 1kg
Added to the cooking water for vegetables, baking soda prevents certain unpleasant odors or the bitter taste of certain vegetables such as turnips, tenderizes others without softening them (such as cabbage) or even to make others more digestible (such as broccoli or leek). Baking soda can also be used, among other things, to reduce the acidity of sauces, coulis or jams, or as a substitute for baking powder in certain pastries containing an acidic element such as lemon. Location in store: Epicerie - Allée 01

 >> See the complete file on the LE DELAS Rungis website >> 

This product is part of the Laboratory selection from Le Delas, wholesaler in Rungis :

Powdered soya lecithin tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Bicarbonate of soda tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Chantifix whipped cream stabiliser tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Alginic acid GF150 tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Yellow pectin tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Xanthan gum tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Glucose syrup bucket 1kg DAWN

Gallia powdered egg white tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Dextrose tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Cream of tartar powder tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Pectin x58 tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Tartaric acid tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Powdered citric acid tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Isomalt bag 5kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Glucose syrup DE40 bucket 10kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Super neutrose tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Glucose syrup powder tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Calcium chloride tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Stabiliser 2000 tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Powdered gelatine 200 bloom tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Isomalt tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Pectin NH for coating tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Baking powder tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Gruétine caramelised sugar with cocoa nibs 750g CLUIZEL

Agar-agar tubo 330ml 150g SÉLECTION DES GRANDS CHEFS

Codineige icing sugar bag 5kg MARGUERITE

Sorbic acid 1kg

Ascorbic acid tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Pectin 325NH95 tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Golden gelatine leaves 200 blooms 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Glucose syrup DE60 bucket 10kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Glucose syrup 1kg MARGUERITE

Crème pâtissière base 1kg MOENCH

Bicarbonate of soda bag 1kg

Sorbitol powder tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Inverted sugar paste (trimoline) tubo 1kg LOUIS FRANÇOIS

Pure liquorice powder bucket 1kg PARIANI

Vegetal fat spray 60cl

White ground almonds and sugar 1kg

Micronized Coffee vacuum packed 1kg PARIANI

Crème pâtissière preparations 5kg

Food vegetable charcoal powder bag 1kg

Cacao powder 22/24 1kg ICAM

Baking powder 1kg LA PATELIÈRE

Glucose fructose syrup bucket 1kg LA PATELIÈRE