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French cockerel ready-to-cook ±600g | Le Delas Rungis wholesaler
 >> See the complete file on the LE DELAS Rungis website >> 

MEAT | POULTRY | Hen - Cock - Capon

French cockerel ready-to-cook ±600g

French cockerel ready-to-cook ±600g
Location in store: Atelier Boucherie - Volailles

French origin

a carton = 6 pieces
a piece ≃ 600 g

 >> See the complete file on the LE DELAS Rungis website >> 

This product is part of the Hen - Cock - Capon selection from Le Delas, wholesaler in Rungis :

Bresse fattened chicken PDO ±2kg VOLAILLE DE BRESSE

Cut rooster tub ±1kg

Ready to cook chicken ±1kg

French cockerel ready-to-cook ±600g