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Medium durum wheatmeal 1kg Légumor | Le Delas Rungis Wholesaler
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GROCERIES | PASTA - RICE - SEMOLINA | Couscous - Semolina

Medium durum wheatmeal 1kg LÉGUMOR

Medium durum wheatmeal 1kg

Cooked in water, broth or steam, in a couscoussier for example, this quality wheat semolina can be served as an accompaniment to all types of couscous or other meat dishes. Location in store: Epicerie - Allée 03
a carton = 14 pieces

 >> See the complete file on the LE DELAS Rungis website >> 

This product is part of the Couscous - Semolina selection from Le Delas, wholesaler in Rungis :

Medium grain couscous 1kg SAMIA

Durum wheat meal 1 kg DE CECCO

Homemade couscous 500g SENIATNA

Medium couscous with durum wheat semolina 5kg DARI

Fine durum wheatmeal 5kg LÉGUMOR

Medium couscous bag 5kg FERRERO

Fine durum wheatmeal 1kg

Medium couscous 100% durum wheat 5kg SAMIA

Medium durum wheatmeal 1kg LÉGUMOR

Fine couscous 5kg ZAKIA

Yellow cornmeal nostrana 1kg LÉGUMOR