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Pure cocoa butter dark chocolate fondant 2kg | Le Delas Rungis
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Pure cocoa butter dark chocolate fondant 2kg MARIE MORIN

Pure cocoa butter dark chocolate fondant 2kg

This cake, rich in whole free-range eggs and pure cocoa butter chocolate, reveals a wonderfully moist texture and a flavor enhanced by a hint of salted butter. It is made from French wheat.

Dairy delicacies from milk from Breton farms, made in the traditional way and without preservatives.

Developed in the family, Marie Morin desserts express the love of tradition, regional products and homemade cuisine. This house, an expert in quality farm dairy products from the Brittany region, has successfully launched into the production of sweet and milky delicacies. A heritage and know-how transmitted from mother to son for simple but gourmet pleasures.
See all products in this range

Location in store: Têtes de gondoles
a carton = a piece
a piece = 2 Kg

 >> See the complete file on the LE DELAS Rungis website >> 

This product is part of the Fresh cakes selection from Le Delas, wholesaler in Rungis :

Plain egg custard 28cm 1.5kg TARTEFRAIS

Whole melting chocolate pudding 800g TARTEFRAIS

Egg custard 2.5kg

Far Breton cake with prunes 2.2kg MARIE MORIN

Pure cocoa butter dark chocolate fondant 2kg MARIE MORIN