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Oriental tabouleh salad with extra olive oil 2.5kg | Le Delas
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Oriental tabouleh salad with extra olive oil 2.5kg PIERRE MARTINET

Oriental tabouleh salad with extra olive oil 2.5kg Oriental tabouleh salad with extra olive oil 2.5kg

The intractable caterer for 30 years!

A pioneer in catering salads, Pierre Martinet seduces with the quality of his products and his increased knowledge of the catering profession. The range of salads composed in its French workshops reveals a rigorous and creative selection. The small packages of this range are marketed under the brand "La Belle Henriette".
See all products in this range

Location in store: Frais Elaboré - Allée 34


a carton = 2 pieces
a piece = 2.5 Kg
a palette = 160 pieces

 >> See the complete file on the LE DELAS Rungis website >> 

This product is part of the Tabouleh selection from Le Delas, wholesaler in Rungis :

Oriental tabouleh 2.5kg MIX BUFFET

Chicken tabouleh 2.5kg MIX BUFFET

Oriental tabouleh salad with extra olive oil 2.5kg PIERRE MARTINET

Chicken tabouleh french poultry tub 1.5kg PIERRE MARTINET

Citrus fruit tabbouleh 1.5kg MIX BUFFET

Oriental tabouleh salad 3kg GEL MANCHE

Lyon Tabbouleh with real Lyon sausage 300g RANDY

Tabbouleh with avocado and chickpeas 1.5kg PIERRE MARTINET

Oriental Tabbouleh 500g JEAN BRIENT