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Preserved whole french duck foie gras 125g | Le Delas Rungis
 >> See the complete file on the LE DELAS Rungis website >> 

FRESHLY PREPARED | FOIE GRAS | Semi-cooked whole foie gras

Preserved whole french duck foie gras jar 125g VALETTE

Preserved whole french duck foie gras jar 125g Preserved whole french duck foie gras jar 125g

The Valette company masters its foie-gras duck chain by creating its cutting center in Bergerac, in Périgord. Raised in the open air in a natural environment, the ducks are stuffed with corn without animal meal or antibiotics. Qualisud follows the entire process from breeding to processing and guarantees the origin and traceability of the ducks. Location in store: Vitrine Caviar et Foie Fras

French Poultry

a carton = 8 pieces
a piece = 125 g

 >> See the complete file on the LE DELAS Rungis website >> 

This product is part of the Semi-cooked whole foie gras selection from Le Delas, wholesaler in Rungis :

Bistro lightly cooked whole goose foie gras tub 500g TRADITION & GOURMANDISES

Preserved whole french duck foie gras jar 125g VALETTE

Semi-cooked whole foie gras jar 300g

Semi-cooked whole foie gras jar 180g